Remember God
One of the observations from Psalm 31 this past Sunday was that in times of trouble, what we need most isn’t creative and life hacks. We need more of God—a grander understanding of his character, attributes, and acts throughout history. David, surrounded by his enemies who were setting traps, in near despair, reminds himself who God is. The ending of the Psalm demonstrates the power of remembering God as a faithful refuge: “Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!” Not only was David’s heart enlarged in trials by remembering God, but he instructs others to seek after God as well. What a stunning transformation! From cast down to counselor!
But how do we think about God when trouble comes? How did David remember that God is sovereign, that He’s good, that His steadfast love is set on His people? The answer is quite ordinary. David had treasures from God’s Word simmering in the crock pot long before the trials came. It’s that daily meditation on God’s Word that may seem cumbersome on a normal day, but which is crucial in the time of testing. You can’t prepare for a marathon a week before you run. Just the same, the Christian cannot expect to be equipped to face trials without the daily preparation of meditation on God’s Word.
Nowhere as in Psalm 119, do we see the relationship between mediation on God’s Word and perseverance. Here are some samples of David expressing the preserving effect of deep meditation:
v. 11: “I have stored up Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
v. 25: “My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to Your Word.”
v. 28: “My soul melts away from sorrow; strengthen me according to Your Word.”
v. 50: “This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your promise gives me life.”
v. 52: “When I think of Your rules from old, I take comfort, O LORD.”
There are many other clear statements from David, in this Psalm alone, demonstrating the powerful relationship between God’s Word and the perseverance of his people in hard circumstances. And so, the question ought to be put to us. Are we storing up in our minds and hearts God’s Word, which contains His character and promises? To put the question a different way—with God’s help, are we making ourselves ready for the day of trouble? Could we tell others in our sleep about the faithfulness of God in the gospel, His sovereignty over all things, His wisdom and watchfulness over His people, the many times in Scripture where He came to the aid of His surrounded people, and the many times He’s come to your aid?